This site is dedicated to those of us from the class of 1960 who still enjoy calling up memories of the short time we shared at "dear old AHHS". It also serves as a remembrance of those classmates who are no longer with us.
The following pages provide information and pictures of those enjoying the fellowship.
This site has been developed by Harry Hamilton with much input from Diann Merrick Decker and St Clair Newbern, lll.
If you are interested in being on the notification list for the Pulido's luncheons and other activities, please contact Diann Merrick Decker at [email protected].
Question about the content or to provide other input about this website should be directed to Harry Hamilton at [email protected]
If you are interested in being on the notification list for the Pulido's luncheons and other activities, please contact Diann Merrick Decker at [email protected].
Question about the content or to provide other input about this website should be directed to Harry Hamilton at [email protected]